Treating Acne Sufferers All Over the World

SkinB5 aims to empower those affected by acne, restoring confidence and promoting clear skin through natural and effortless solutions. As pioneers in the field of acne treatments worldwide, we are committed to crafting innovative and skin barrier protective products to effectively address persistent acne concerns.



A story of love and

SkinB5 was founded in 2006 by Australian entrepreneur, Judy Cheung-Wood. Growing up, Judy spent endless time with her grandfather who was a chemist and skincare manufacturer. Even as a young girl, she shared his passion for natural ingredients – and always dreamed of developing a natural skincare range in his honour. First launched as an online only business, skinB5 is now widely available in retail and dermatology channels – a huge credit to Judy’s tenacity and commitment. Click here to learn why Judy founded skinB5.



We understand your emotional

Having suffered from oily skin as a teenager and young adult, Judy continues to rely on her own creation every day to maintain a clear complexion.

All members of Judy’s team are also staunch SkinB5 users. This means we truly understand the emotional journey of an acne sufferer. And unlike other skincare manufacturers, we genuinely want to help you achieve clear and health skin too.


We Work With

Our expert advisors come from many complementary fields – including medicine, dermatology, dermal clinicians, nutraceuticals, pharmacy, consumer goods, regulatory affairs and product quality and compliance.

We invest heavily in ongoing R&D to continually improve our powerful formulations.



SkinB5 is globally renowned as the recipient of countless prestigious awards, solidifying its position as the unrivaled leader in clear skin wellness. Its revolutionary system is transforming the skincare industry, offering effective solutions without compromising your well-being. Discover a new perspective on skincare with SkinB5.



In recognition of the innovative SkinB5 formulations, our Australian patent was granted in June 2015. This means no other manufacturer can legally replicate or commercially produce our unique formulations for the life of the patent.



Say “YES” to Clear and Healthy Skin from Today with the skinB5 Next Generation Acne Control + Skin Wellness System that Works.


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SkinB5 awards

Say “YES” to Clear and Healthy Skin from Today with the skinB5 Next Generation Acne Control + Skin Wellness System that Works.

Most Awarded Skin Wellness Brand