Do you have these healthy living questions?
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Question 1. Margarine v Butter?
Margarine is highly processed; it is often lower fat but contains trans fats, which are detrimental to our bodies. Highly processed margarine has been coloured, flavoured, deodorised and bleached. Doesn’t sound too appetising now does it? Butter is a far more natural product. It is higher in calories but if you’re eating it in moderation those calories are not going to affect you as much as the trans fats in margarine.Question 2. Full-Fat Milk v Skim Milk?
Full-fat milk will have you feeling fuller for longer. If you are having one or two regular lattes a day it won’t add too much more calories than a skim latte. It’s the sugar in the drink and size you want to consider more carefully. I’ve found my skin doesn’t react well to dairy at all, so I don’t drink cows milk. Rice milk or even better homemade almond milk is my go to. I still have chocolate from time to time but if I eat too much my skin tells the tale!Question 3. HIIT Training v Daily Walk?
All exercise is great and so important for a calm mind, strong body, and great skin. But you’ve got to weigh up the best exercise for you. If you have a really stressful fast paced life maybe a Yoga or Pilates class is better than a Boot camp workout. A walk for 30 mins a day, so that you make up your 10,000 steps per day can make more of a difference than an HIIT workout, if you are going to dread that high-intensity exercise and miss your session. If you have the energy HIIT is fantastic, just remember to stretch afterward! Try to wash you face with SkinB5 Acne Cleansing Mousse after your workout to ensure no bacteria from sweat produced during your workout causes any future breakouts.Question 4. Smoothies v Juices?
I love smoothies; in fact, I wrote a post not long ago for you. Check it out here if you missed it. SMOOTHIE RECIPE FOR CLEAR-SKIN Juice (although tasty) gets rid of all the fibre, which is so important for elimination (pooping!) If we don’t eliminate properly and fully every day our skin suffers. It’s like poisoning ourselves from the inside out.Question 5. Sugar v Sugar?
Natural sugar found in fruits is just that, natural. Nothing added, no processed sweeteners or added sugar. Anything processed, that’s had extra sugar or sweetener added is a big no, no. Added sugar can play havoc with our insulin levels and cause our skin to breakout and acne, so give it a miss. Your skin and your figure will thank you for it.