“Mock Tails” so tasty your friends won’t notice the difference
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For plenty of us, we like a good cocktail now and then. But have you ever wondered, what exactly alcohol is doing to our skin? What I’m about to tell you isn’t intended to ruin your mood, but simply to help you weigh out the consequences that indulging in alcohol can contribute to poor skin health.
The Negative Impacts Alcohol Has On the Skin
Alcohol dehydrates the skin - The human body is mostly composed of water and since alcohol lowers the water content in your body, this delays your body’s ability to fight off any bacteria, repair any damages or flush out inflammatory toxins. Which means that your body is unable to cleanse itself as efficiently which can lead to acne breakouts. And we all know what dehydrated skin looks like tired and washed-out, with more prominent fine lines, wrinkles, and pores. And a night cream really won’t help it, unfortunately!
Decreases the nutrients in your skin- Alcohol robs your body of Vitamin A which is a powerful antioxidant that is essential for cell renewal and turnover (gives you a healthy glow). Meaning your skin cannot do much to repair itself and can make it harder for your skin to fight off free radicals giving your skin more of a dull gray appearance.
Alcohol changes hormone levels - Alcohol encourages the production of testosterone and may, therefore, create a hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance is the main cause of acne as it may overstimulate sebaceous glands that produce skin oil (sebum).
Alcohol causes inflammation through the body- If you read my previous article on sugar, you’ll know that sugar aggravates one of the most important causes of acne: inflammation. You see, the problem with cocktail drinks like mojitos are that they rapidly convert to sugar, which leads to a burst of inflammation throughout the body that trails to acne. And if that wasn’t bad enough, sugar also contributes to premature aging, dark circles and more! So what is the answer? Well, it is the usual saying; everything in moderation! I would never tell you to give up alcohol altogether, but just remember some good old ways to keep your mind, body, and soul healthy while you enjoy a festive nip.
How to REALLY enjoy yourself without having to worry about your skin
Take a supplement for your skin -Taking action from within your body is the best and only way to end the acne cycle. SkinB5’s Acne Control Extra Strength Tablets is the first step to obtaining acne-free skin. It helps balance out your hormones and keeps your production of skin oils at a healthy level that is beneficial to your skin. The tablets are designed to be used by anyone that has mild to severe acne or if you’re looking to just maintain a healthy glow opt for the maintenance caplets and SkinB5 products are free of any harmful chemicals and GMO’s. B vitamins are also scientifically proven to improve moods and energy levels!
Follow every drink with a glass of water – By now we all know alcohol dehydrates your body and your skin cells, so by replenishing lost moisture straight away you are reducing the risk of skin inflammation and that horrible headache in the morning. Plus the more water you drink the healthier your skin will look, making those lines and pores appear smaller.
Be choosy about what you drink- If you are going to indulge in alcohol, try to drink as little as possible and make your choices with the following list in mind: Clear shots: Vodka, Gin, and Tequila are better for your skin’s health if it is served as a shot as it doesn’t contain heavy amounts of sugar and other chemical ingredients. Red Wine: Contains more antioxidants than white and helps reduce the effects, alcohol has on skin health especially aging. However, if you have rosacea, avoid red wine as there is a high risk of it causing a flair-up. Sparkling water with lime: This way you are still staying hydrated and no-one needs to know and you avoid peer pressure. Mocktails: If you’re looking to shake things up, toast with these nutrient-filled mocktails!
The Clear-Skin Mock Tails: The Ginger Elixir is a delicious non-alcoholic cocktail that contains ginger juice and is an anti-inflammatory powerhouse that helps aid with digestion, boosts skin smoothness, tone and lightens age spots while containing properties that help prevent acne.
1 cup ginger juice
1 cup lemon juice
1 cup water
1/4 cup honey, blend well and serve.
The Triple Juice Mock Tail: This is a refreshing non-alcoholic option for entertaining. Just mix up a jug just before the guests arrive. The three juices are packed with antioxidants which provide many health benefits, especially for skin.
½ cup of orange juice
½ cup of pomegranate juice
½ cup of cranberry juice
1 cup of ice, blend well and serve.
And so there you have it. The next time you want to drink, think about the negative impacts it can take on your skin and remember the best way to avoid damaging your skin, in the long run, is to maintain a minimal level of alcohol consumption or just to skip the alcohol and opt for mocktails instead. What do you think?