Skin Health & Wellness Articles
Lorraine Lee noticed her daughter's skin has changed in ONE week
I bought this product for my daughter who has struggled with her skin and has had really sore blind pimples. After using SkinB5 for 3...
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Lorraine Lee noticed her daughter's skin has changed in ONE week
I bought this product for my daughter who has struggled with her skin and has had really sore blind pimples. After using SkinB5 for 3...
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Lorraine Lee noticed her daughter's skin has changed in ONE week
I bought this product for my daughter who has struggled with her skin and has had really sore blind pimples. After using SkinB5 for 3...
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Teenage Acne
One bears not only physical scarring, but the emotional scarring is apparent to anyone who has talked to a teen with acne problems. Many teenagers...
Nettle For Acne?
There’re many herbs that can help with the treatment of acne… Each one works in a truly unique way. Did you know, that Nettle is...
Perfecting Your Skin Care Routine
Getting a good skincare routine down pat can take some time… Ultimately it’s well worth it to achieve the skin of your dreams! Once you’re...
Seaweed For Health & Clearer Skin
Seaweed? What are we talking about? A wonderful and powerful seaweed called Spirulina! Once a nutritious food source for the Aztecs, Spirulina is a blue-green...
5 Foods to Avoid for Your Skin Health
As much as you might not like to hear it… Some of the foods you love are causing some of your skin problems. Most commonly,...
Avoid These Skincare Chemicals
Do you know what your largest organ is?Brain, Stomach, Liver…All wrong - your largest organ is your skin!And it’s great at absorbing what we put...
How Your Diet Affects Your Skin
The association between food and skin health is becoming clearer as more and more evidence shows that our current Western diet is linked to increased...
Knowing your Skin Type
In order to properly care for your skin, it is important to know what type of skin you have. This can assist you in tailoring...
Surviving Hormonal Breakouts
Hormonal breakouts are most certainly not just a teenage affliction. Hormonal acne can continue into adulthood, especially affecting middle-aged women. Our hormones are largely in...
3 Tips to Prevent Sun Damage
We are very lucky to live in the beautiful land of sunshine here in Australia! The sun can be extremely healing, yet also equally detrimental...
Hydration for Good Skin Health
Whether it’s winter, summer or anywhere in between, we all need to stay sufficiently hydrated to ensure our body is functioning at its peak. Dehydration...
Why acne isn’t just for teenagers
When many people think of someone with acne, many times they automatically think of teens. But is acne limited to only teenagers? Absolutely not. Some...
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and acne
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a very common condition affecting up to 21% of women in their reproductive years, and often up to 70% of...
Ashwagandha The Stress-Relieving Herb
Ashwagandha, Withania, Indian Ginseng, Winter Cherry; all different names for the same herb with one beautiful action - adaptogenic. Adaptogenic herbs help to restore and...
Why potency of vitamins, mineral and nutrients in supplements and superfood powders matters
How Potent is Your Supplement? On the surface, some supplements might look like they have it all; a little bit of everything to cover all...
Adrenal Fatigue and Acne
Chronic stress is something that affects so many people. Between work hassles, lack of sleep, relationship pressures and other curveballs that life throws us, it’s...
Prebiotics, Probiotics and Skin Health
The skin is a living, breathing organ - the largest one in your body. It works to regulate body temperature, fight off pathogens, and keeps...
The Importance of Antioxidants
“Antioxidant” is a buzz word in the skin and beauty industry, but what exactly is an antioxidant and what does it do? Far from being...
Harmonising, Cleansing and Chi Promoting Herbs for Health and Clearer Skin
Everything requires balance, especially the body. It’s constantly in a see-saw state of maintaining equilibrium, so effectively we mostly don’t even realise it’s happening -...
The Importance of a Nutritional Treatment Approach for Acne
Our skin is an outward sign of health The skin is the largest organ of the body and can provide an indication of your underlying...
How to properly care for your skin – a naturopathic approach
The skin is our largest organ. It is delicate and often unforgiving. It is our barrier between our body and the outside world, and will...
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and acne
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a very common condition affecting up to 21% of women in their reproductive years, and often up to 70% of...
Why acne isn’t just for teenagers
When many people think of someone with acne, many times they automatically think of teens. But is acne limited to only teenagers? Absolutely not. Some...
Silly Season Survival Steps, Part 2
Now is the time to plan what's on the holiday menu. Not just for christmas day specifically, but also for the entire season. Failing to...
Silly Season Survival Steps, Part 1
How quickly has the year gone? We have worked hard all year to maintain good skin health, so the last thing we want is for...
How to treat acne scars
Scars are essentially the body’s backup plan to correct an open wound and protect itself. Scar tissue is formed by our body’s connective tissue, and...
What foundation is suitable for acne?
‘Laying the foundation’ for a flawless look is one of the trickiest tasks with makeup, especially for acne-prone skin. Foundation creates the base of our...
Why exfoliators are bad for sensitive, acne prone skin
Our skin is made of 3 layers – the epidermis, dermis and the subcutaneous layer. The epidermis is the outer most layer and can be...