How Rebecca regained confidence after SkinB5™ cleared up her severe acne

Posted by Team @skinB5 on

How Rebecca regained confidence after SkinB5™ cleared up her severe acneSo I bought the complete starter kit in November 2015. I was feeling pretty awful about my skin, my confidence was low and I found it hard to look people in the eye when talking to them as I was so embarrassed by my face. I felt like if tried everything to clear my skin from various birth control pills, antiobiotics, retinol creams to all sorts of expensive lotions and potions! Nothing worked! So I gave Skinb5 a try, just on a whim! I probably noticed changes to my skin texture and pores within only 2 weeks! Within 4/5 weeks my skin had changed, it wasn't so oily and my pores weren't as pronounced. Honestly these products have changed my life, I know that may sound extreme but when you have been so down about your skin for so long, to find something that works means the world! My skin isn't perfect by any means but I feel so much more confident, I'm not hiding in my home avoiding social situations because my skin is awful and no amount of make up will cover it! Now my skin looks pretty darn good with makeup and blemishes are hard to notice! Thankyou skinb5 for giving me my confidence back!
- Rebecca


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Case Studies


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