Shopping for Organic Produce? The dirty dozen and the clean 15

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The aim here is to help you decide which fruits and vegetables you should buy organic. Every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases a report called the dirty dozen and the clean 15, which refer respectively to fruits and vegetables that contain the most and least number of pesticide residues. But I guess the main question you’re probably wondering is, why should you care? Well, pesticides overall are toxic and different pesticides over time have been linked to a variety of health problems including rashes, hormone disruption, leaky gut, and cancer. Another reason is that pesticides and agricultural chemicals over time destroy the value of the farmland, whereas organic farming helps preserve the soil and does not use any toxic chemicals. Does that mean you should you avoid the dirty dozen? No! Eating conventional produce is better than eating nothing at all. Just be sure to wash them well, to take away any chemical residues. If you're worried about pesticides in your food, consider buying these 12 fruits and vegetables organic, to reduce the pesticide exposure, starting with the most contaminated foods.

The Dirty Dozen 2016 (in order of contamination)

  1. Strawberries
  2. Apples
  3. Nectarines
  4. Peaches
  5. Celery
  6. Grapes
  7. Cherries
  8. Spinach
  9. Tomatoes
  10. Sweet bell peppers (capsicums)
  11. Cherry Tomatoes
  12. Cucumbers

While it’s important to choose organic, eating organic may not always be an option so opt for the Clean Fifteen, the list of produce with the least amount of pesticide residues that you can happily buy without thinking about pesticides.

  1. Avocado
  2. Sweet corn
  3. Pineapples
  4. Cabbage
  5. Sweet peas (frozen)
  6. Onions
  7. Asparagus
  8. Mangoes
  9. Papayas
  10. Kiwi
  11. Eggplant
  12. Honeydew melon
  13. Grapefruit
  14. Cantaloupe
  15. Cauliflower
Fruits and vegetables are important for your overall health. Switching to organic produce can take time and it is a gradual process. To keep costs down, look for organic foods in season at your local farmer’s market and even check your larger grocery store too, the chains are expanding contracts with organic farmers to help meet the demand for chemical free foods and so it is easier for consumers to access. For the dirty dozen list, I recommend buying organic produce instead, it helps minimize the pesticide consumption on your food, while keeping your budget in check. And for the clean fifteen list, you can feel confident that it contains little pesticide contamination. 2015-08-02-12-37-39_deco_Farah My name is Farah and I am an advocate for natural and organic beauty products, healthy living and a self-proclaimed whole foods enthusiast. My passion for health and beauty stems from my personal experiences dealing with problematic skin and now I want to help others learn my secrets to flawless skin from the inside, out. I’m a firm believer that true beauty comes from what goes inside of your body and I am thankful to be able to educate you and help you to obtain clear skin
Acne fighting foods Category_LIFESTYLE>Skin Wellness Clean Eating for clear skin Farah Afridi healthy lifestyle and clear skin

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