7 Ways to Get Your Skin Spring-Ready

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Spring. It’s the season where birds transform into Disney cartoons (except magpies), where fields are painted all colours of the rainbow, and where the promise of picnics and outdoor adventures looms on an earlier sunrise. It’s also a great season to climb out of hibernation to refresh and rejuvenate your skin. Check out our 7 skin spring cleaning tips below.
  1. Get Plenty of Sleep

While you’re asleep, your body has time to heal and repair itself against infection – this includes inflammatory ailments like acne. So, what’s your sleeping schedule like? Are you getting the recommended 7-and-a-half to 8 hours per night? In order to be healthy on the inside and out, it’s important you get quality sleep on a regular basis. Avoid using your phone before bedtime, and definitely ditch that late-night coffee (otherwise you’ll be staring at the ceiling instead of the back of your eyelids!). Instead, settle down with a good book and a non-caffeinated tea.
  1. Get a Skin Check

Spring signifies the beginning of many outdoor activities. As such, it’s a great time to get your skin checked by your doctor to make sure any moles and blemishes are completely healthy. Skin cancer has become a huge problem in today’s world, especially in sun-kissed countries like Australia. As such, it’s important to get your skin regularly checked by a professional to know exactly where you stand with sun damage. It’s also a great time to ask for sun-safe tips so you can look after yourself in the warmer months.
  1. Fake Tan

In keeping with sun-safety, why not fake it till you make it with an all-natural tanning product? If your pale skin blinds innocent bystanders, add some subtle (not orange) glow to your body with a lightweight tanning cream. If you’re not keen on a using a tanning product, instead swirl bronzer around your face, neck, and décolletage to create a radiant look.
  1. Exfoliate

Clear away winter’s skin-drying effects by using a gentle exfoliator. Take a clean exfoliating glove and rub in circular motions over your face before using SkinB5’s Acne Control Cleansing Mousse and Acne Control Moisturiser.
  1. Spring Clean Your Makeup Bag

Spring cleaning isn’t limited to your wardrobe and home. Open up your makeup bag and take a good look at what’s lurking around. Ditch the products that are old and broken and make room for newer, skin-friendly options. It is especially important to bin old mascara tubes, as their wands can harbour harmful bacteria.
  1. Rock Lighter Makeup

Instead of caking on heavy makeup, let your skin breathe by using lighter formulations. This may mean switching a liquid foundation for a powder foundation instead. Try searching for organic rice powders to give your skin a natural look, while keeping your pores unclogged.
  1. Drink Up

It can be hard to drink water in the winter months, but as spring is here, it’s time to drink up! Be sure to grab for a glass of filtered water first thing in the morning to wake up your digestive system. Overall, be sure to drink around 7 to 8 glasses throughout the entire day. If you struggle to drink water, simply spruce it up by adding sliced cucumber, mint, strawberries, and blueberries into your glass or bottle. Your skin and body will thank you. What are your thoughts on getting your skin ready for spring? Head on over to our Facebook page to share your ideas with us! Renee Meyer Headshot Renee is a 20-something writer who has a love-hate relationship with fictional characters. If she doesn’t have her eyes glued to the big screen, you’ll find her chasing sunsets by the water. Having grown up with sensitive skin, she’s passionate about sharing and celebrating natural products that really work.
Category_LIFESTYLE>Skin Wellness healthy lifestyle and clear skin lifestyle Renee Meyer SkinB5 Community Leader

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