Roasted Tomato and Red Pepper soup

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This colorful soup gets its shade from two veggies known for improving skin health. Tomatoes which are a rich source of lycopene, a skin healthy antioxidant. And did you know that cooking tomatoes actually increases the concentration of lycopene. Red peppers, on the other hand, are full with vitamin C—which is associated with better skin-aging appearance

Prep time: 5 minutes cooking time: 35- 40 minutes


  • 4 plum tomatoes
  • 2 red peppers
  • A handful of basil leaves
  • A handful of rosemary
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of dried thyme
  • ½ cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • A juice of lemon zest


Slice the red peppers into eighths, removing the centre. Then chop the tomatoes into four or five slices. Cover the bottom of a roasting pan or baking tray in olive oil and place the tomatoes, peppers with the basil leaves, fresh rosemary, dried thyme, bay leaves, salt and a drizzle more olive oil on top. Roast at 200C for 30 minutes. Once they vegetables have finished roasting put them into a liquidizer with lemon zest,, salt & pepper, be careful not to add the bay leaves or rosemary sticks though. As the soup blends, slowly add in the water until you reach your desired consistency. Once you have reached this pour the soup straight into bowls and serve. farah If you make this, let us see! Tag your photo with #skinb5recipes on Instagram. My name is Farah and I am an advocate for natural and organic beauty products, healthy living and a self-proclaimed whole foods enthusiast. My passion for health and beauty stems from my personal experiences dealing with problematic skin and now I want to help others learn my secrets to flawless skin from the inside, out. I’m a firm believer that true beauty comes from what goes inside of your body and I am thankful to be able to educate you and help you to obtain clear skin Enjoy!
Acne fighting foods Category_LIFESTYLE>Recipes Clean Eating for clear skin Farah Afridi SkinB5 recipes

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