A – Z of foods that benefit the skin; Beetroot

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So ‘B’ is for BEETROOT Did you know Beetroot was once grown for the leafy green tops rather than the root we eat today? From helping my Grandad in his allotment when I was a little girl, beetroot has been a favourite of mine. Little did I know then that Beetroot was also an amazing vegetable that helps the body filter toxins! Beetroot has been shown to increase antioxidant activity in the liver, so helps to enable the liver to filter toxins. Beetroot also enables the liver to increase methylation, which then breaks down more toxins. No wonder it’s always included in detox juice! Anything that helps the Liver to filter toxins is an acne prone person’s best friend - we need those toxins flushed out, in addition to the good stuff we put into our bodies when we take SkinB5 Acne Control Tablets. So… what do you do with a fresh Beetroot? Most people have only ever used Beetroot from a tin, which is not the best, as sugar and preservatives will have been added. Here are a couple of super simple ideas.

Roast Beetroot

  • 6 - 8 x Beetroot
  • 2 table spoons of Olive Oil
Peel the Beets and cut into quarters. Toss in Olive Oil and pop into a roasting tin. Roast for 30 – 45mins (or until tender) at 180 degrees.

Super Simple Smoothie

  • 2 Apples
  • ½ a Beetroot
  • 1 Carrot
  • Splash of lemon juice
Pop everything in the blender and press go! Blend until smooth and you’re done. Let me know your thoughts or variations of these recipes.
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Venessa is a down to earth Nutritional Therapist & Health Coach, specializing in helping clear your stress and problem skin through Holistic Simplicity. Her passion for healthy living, whole foods, skin care, stress reduction and improved digestion, is a result of years of acne and adrenal exhaustion issues that affected not only her body, but confidence too. Venessa wants to share with you how Yoga & Mindfulness along with a natural, unprocessed diet and SkinB5 products can build flawless skin, amazing confidence and a massive smile, as it has done for her’. Check out Venessa’s website for more details about how Nutritional Therapy & Health Coaching can help you J www.holistic-simplicity.com
Acne fighting foods Category_LIFESTYLE>Skin Wellness healthy lifestyle and clear skin SkinB5 recipes Venessa Nickless

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